How Nitrocross Became The Top Rallycross Series In America

September 25, 2023Joe Moore

Nitrocross became a full-time championship back in 2021. Becoming the top Rallycross championship in America but how? 

A Bit Of History

North America has never really had a completely stable Rallycross scene. With Global Rallycross running from 2011 until 2017 in North America. The championship featured drivers like Tanner Foust, Ken Block, Bucky Lasek and others. The championship left North America at the end of the 2017 season. With Scott Speed being the last champion. Winning his third consecutive championship.
The 2018 season saw a new championship start. This one was called America’s Rallycross. It’s lasted a whole two seasons, starting in 2018 and ending at the end of the 2019 season. Scott Speed continued his North American Rallycross domination, winning the inaugural season of the championship. Tanner Foust won the final season of the championship. Enter the 2020 season, or the lack thereof a 2020 season. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and there being no Rallycross Championship in America meant there was no professional Rallycross in America. That all changed in 2021 however. 

Nitrocross History 

Nitrocross, formerly Nitro Rallycross, started in 2018 as a one-off event. The event took place in both 2018 and 2019. Both times the event took place at the Utah Motorsports campus. The home of Nitro Rallycross’s parent, Nitro Circus. Nitro Rallycross was the brainchild of Travis Pastrana. With Pastrana building a track that combined Rallycross and motocross. Timmy Hansen won the 2018 event, with his brother Kevin winning in 2019. In 2020 the event didn’t run as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic being in full swing at that point. 

Becoming A Full Championship

With there being no permanent Rallycross series in North America, Nitro Rallycross stepped up to the plate. Putting on a full calendar of events for the 2021 season. All tracks taking place in North America. Putting on a 5 round championship that took place from coast to coast in the USA. Series founder Travis Pastrana won the inaugural Nitrocross championship. Beating Scott Speed and Timmy Hansen to take home the championship. The 2022-23 season saw a change from Nitro Rallycross. With the series going to a fully electric spec series. The calendar was expanded to 10 rounds, with two taking place overseas. Robin Larsson took home the championship after a hard-fought season. 

What’s Next For Nitrocross?

Nitrocross doesn’t just want to be an America Rallycross championship, it wants to go international. Something that was made apparent last season. However for the 2023-24 season, the championship has no international rounds, but why? The team at Nitrocross wanted to focus on building up the championship before taking another run overseas. As last season’s run overseas didn’t go great. As the round in Finland was cancelled due to the track going bankrupt, and then the round in Saudi Arabia was also cancelled. 

Nitrocross has announced that 2022 World RX2e champion Viktor Vranckx and VMV Racing will join the Nitrocross grid. Find out more below.

Joining Nitrocross 

Viktor Vranckx and VMV Racing join Nitrocross. Vranckx will make his debut at Rounds 6-7 on December 9th and 10th in Glen Helen. VMV Racing joins Nitrocross after departing from the World RX’s RX2e developmental class. With the team voicing their displeasure over the established RX1e drivers racing in the class during the final two events of their season. This will likely be a decent-sized blow to the World RX as Vranckx won the 2022 championship. 

What This Means For Nitrocross

With VMV Racing joining Nitrocross full-time with a two-car team, it adds two further competitors to Nitrocross. The driver for the second car will be announced at a later date, it’s unknown if that will be before or after VMV Racing makes their debut. On the flip side, Vranckx is a talented driver who is still young. I wouldn’t expect him to win or be on the podium at his first two rounds in December. However, once he gets used to the cars and the tracks, I wouldn’t be shocked if he had a podium or two under his belt by the end of the 2022/23 season. How the VMV racing team fairs against the other established Nitrocross teams will only be determined over time. 

A Step In The Right Direction 

Adding another team of two drivers is a step in the right direction for Nitrocross. As the championship has made a decent name for itself after becoming a full-time championship in 2021. With Travis Pastrana leading the way from a vision standpoint, Nitrocross will likely become one of the biggest, if not the biggest Rallycross championship in the years to come. With names such as Robin Larsson, Andreas Bakkerud, Fraser McConnell and others leading the way on the track for the near future. The addition of VMV Racing could show other teams with displeasure towards the FIA and World RX that there are alternatives. It may also serve as an alternative route for drivers who feel they can compete with high-level drivers but can’t get a chance in the World RX. 

Comments From Nitrocross President Brett Clarke

President of Nitrocross and all-around great guy Brett Clarke was more than happy to offer up a comment when asked about VMV and Vranckx joining Nitrocross. With Clarke saying “We are excited to see Viktor and VMV Racing join Group E. Progression is fundamental to our vision for Nitrocross and is at the heart of everything we are building with the property. That focus extends beyond creating ground-breaking tracks and revolutionary cars to welcoming emerging stars like Viktor who will redefine motorsport in the years to come.”

Clarke continued, “This also shows that the best young drivers and teams are choosing Nitrocross not only from a racing perspective, but also as an investment opportunity. They see a long-term strategy, commercial opportunities and future for Nitrocross that more than justifies the significant commitment they’re making to purchase franchises, operate vehicles, and secure the infrastructure to compete in the series.”  

Nitrocross has seen many different motorsport icons compete at their events, but who should join this list?

Petter & Oliver Solberg 

Petter Solberg (NOR), his son Oliver Solberg and the team pose for a portrait during the World Rally Championship Great Britain in Llandundo, Great Britain on October 6, 2019 // Jaanus Ree / Red Bull Content Pool

I think out of any driver, the Solbergs have probably been the most requested to be seen in Nitrocross, and why wouldn’t they be? Both Oliver and Petter are extremely talented drivers. Petter was the last World Rally Champion before the decade in a half of dominance by drivers with the first name of Sebastien. He was also the only driver to beat Sebastien Loeb for a championship whilst Loeb was competing in a full season. On the flip side, Oliver is one of, if not the biggest rising star in the WRC currently.
Both drivers come in with loads of respect amongst the Motorsports community and both would be welcomed with open arms into Nitrocross for a round or more. This is something Nitrocross is reportedly aware of as they have reportedly offered both the Solbergs a chance in Nitrocross. However, it was turned down, as Oliver wanted to focus on Rally this season. However, the door remains open. 

Sebastien Loeb

Sebastien Loeb is seen at the FIA World Rallycross Championship 2016 in Holjes, Sweden 3 July, 2016 // @World / Red Bull Content Pool

Speaking of Sebastien Loeb he is another driver who should give Nitrocross a try. Loeb has previous Rallycross experience in the World RX. So why not give another version of Rallycross a try? Sure Nitrocross and the World RX are different but I feel like Loeb would have a fun time in an FC1-X. Knowing Loeb and the way he works. If he were to give Nitrocross a shot, he’d probably win, because he wins at everything apparently. Mind you, Loeb has never won a Rallycross championship. With his highest finish being 4th in 2017 and 2018. 

Sebastian Vettel

Sebastian Vettel seen during the Red Bull Formula Nuerburgring at the Nuerburgring in Germany on September 9, 2023. Photo Red Bull Content Pool

It’s no secret that Nitrocross and Travis Pastrana want Sebastian Vettel to compete at an event. As Pastrana has previously publicly offered Vettel a seat at a round of Nitrocross. That offer was never accepted, however. The door remains open for the F1 legend, however. I’m sure if Vettel called and asked for a seat one would likely be found in short order. Only time will tell if the former F1 driver decides to give Nitrocross a try. 

Scott Speed

Scott Speed poses for a portrait at The Dragon in Vonore, Tennessee, USA on 16 December 2021. // Chris Tedesco / Red Bull Content Pool

Yes, I know, Speed competed in Nitrocross when it was known as Nitro Rallycross. However Speed has been absent from the championship, and Rallycross, since the end of the 2021 season. Speed was meant to drive last season. Not in the Group E class, however. Instead driving a Subaru WRX in the SuperCar class. That fell apart however when nobody else brought out cars for the class. Speed has remained with Subaru Motorsports USA throughout the last year. Travelling to events for the team and whatnot.
Speed could make a return to Nitrocross relatively easily if he wanted to. As Vermont Sportscar has 2 extra FC1-Xs that aren’t in use as of now. However, funding to run the cars will likely need to be found as Subaru Of America isn’t funding the program. Speed would be welcomed back with open arms. As he’s previously won a championship in the GRC some years ago before joining Subaru. Plus he’s an all-around cool guy who has been to some Nitrocross events as a spotter for Pastrana. 

Kevin & Timmy Hansen 

Kevin and Timmy Hansen (SWE) of the Hansen World RX Team seen during the FIA World Rallycross Championship Pre-Season Test in Montalegre, Portugal on May 27, 2023. // Joerg Mitter / Red Bull Content Pool

Yet another example of drivers who have previously competed in Nitrocross when it was known as Nitro Rallycross but haven’t returned since the end of the 2021 season. The Hansen’s are well respected in the Rallycross community. With both Kevin and Timmy being incredible drivers. Timmy and Kevin were also the first two drivers to win a Nitro Rallycross event. Taking home wins at the one-off events in 2018 and 2019. With Tanner Foust returning to Nitrocross in Utah, could one or both of the Hansen’s be next? It’s possible seeing as the World RX season ends in November and doesn’t start up again until next fall. Leaving both driver’s calendars empty during the usual Motorsports offseason. If the Hansens were to return I’m sure they’d bring the fight to the other top drivers in Nitrocross. 

Tanner Foust Returns To Nitrocross

Andrew Coley made his Nitrocross debut at Nitrocross Utah last month. Find out about his experience at the event below.

From Commentary To Driving

Andrew Coley is pretty much the voice of Rallycross. Being one of the best in the business at commentating motorsports in general. If you’ve watched Nitrocross, Extreme E, Nordic RallyX or World RX (some years ago) you’ve probably heard Coley at the call. Andrew has also driven at a few RX events. He also had a short rally career back in the early 2000s before switching to the commentary booth. Coley was selected to drive in the Van Prix at Nitrocross Utah. Making this his official Nitrocross debut. Although it went almost as bad as it could’ve for Coley. As for starters his van only had a single gear. Leaving him destined to finish last. Which is exactly where he finished. Find out about Andrew’s experience at the event in a Q&A I had with him. 

Andrew Coley’s Experience

1) How was your first time racing a Nitrocross event?

A: Hilarious! I just wish I’d test driven the car earlier 😂 The TV team rigged the onboard cameras on the Thursday, but I didn’t drive the car until Saturday morning when we added the flags etc. As soon as I drove it I knew it was game over, but what can you do? The show must go on!

2) if given a chance would you do the van Prix again?

A: Yes. I’ll be honest I was nervous about the lack of safety equipment in the cars, but it’s only a bit of fun and you’re in control of how fast you go. It’s probably a good thing it only had one gear as it landed like a lead rhinoceros!

3) how hard was it to drive the van with only 1 gear?

A: It wasn’t hard as such, just annoying! It would take second gear if you backed off the throttle to literally 5%, but as soon as you accelerated it went back into 1st and a top speed of 31mph!!

4) What was your favourite moment of the weekend?

A: Crossing the line hanging out of the side of the car pointing at the drone. Who knew I had a showman in me?! All inspired by Petter Solberg of course!

5) are you happy with how your nitrocross debut ended?

A: Yes. I live to fight another day and stood on the roof of my van with a huge Union Jack having a right laugh with a load of brilliant and kind drivers. If you’d have told me 10 years ago I’d be racing (well, kind of!) in a Nitro Circus event with all those guys and girls in the studio watching me come dead last I’d have laughed at you.

6) Did the advice Tanner Foust gave you help?

A: Of course! He told me the van was a piece of crap. He was bang on!!

ARA star Patrick Gruszka made his NRX Next debut at the Nitrocross Utah event earlier this month. Find out more about his experience below. 

How Did Gruszka Do?

Patrick Gruszka finished third in both NRX Next finals beating out fellow American Rally Association driver Lia Block to take the position on both days. This is a better result than what Gruszka was expecting as he had very limited time in the car before the event. With the Green APU team getting the car just 2 days before it had to go on the trail for Utah. They also had to repair the car’s roll cage as it was bent. 

What Was Gruszka’s Favourite Part Of The Weekend?

The fans were Gruszka’s favourite part of the weekend. Gruszka comes from a rally background, in which it’s hard to see how many fans are actually in attendance for the event. As they are often scattered along the stages, and driving a car at 80+ mph requires lots of focus. Rallycross is a different atmosphere. As all the fans are in the grandstands for the most part allowing the drivers to see all of them. 

Why Did Gruszka Want To Do Nitrocross?

Gruszka said doing Nitrocross was a no-brainer for him. He wanted to do Oklahoma but he couldn’t get a car in time to do the event. Pushing his debut back to Utah. He was interested and excited about a new format of racing for him. 

Was Skipping A Round Of The ARA An Easy Decision?

Gruszka and his team decided they could skip the Ojibwe Forests Rally due to him having enough points in both the Overall championship and the RC2 championship. If Gruszka competed at Ojibwe he would’ve competed in an event three consecutive weekends. Competing at a Porsche event, then Nitrocross Utah and finally Ojibwe Forests Rally. The decision was also made because the team didn’t have much time to reprep his Hyundai i20 and because the team had some concerns. The concerns stem from the incident at the New England Forest Rally that resulted in a fatality. The team’s concerns were to do with the championship and what was being done after the incident at NEFR. 

Was He Happy With His Nitrocross Debut?

Yes, he was, Gruszka came into the event with the mindset of wanting to learn the car. As previously mentioned he didn’t have much testing time with the car before the event. It was also a change for him to go from his turbocharged Hyundai rally car to a naturally aspirated rear-engined car. 

Does Gruszka Want To Do More Nitrocross Events?

Yes, he plans on doing the round in Phoenix in November and every round after that. It just relies on the budget. 

Nitrocross Utah has come to an end, marking the end of the second and third rounds of the 2023-24 season. 

Championship Standings 

Fraser McConnell came into Utah with the championship lead. McConnell looked like a force to be reckoned with in Oklahoma, his luck would run out in Utah. With the Jamaican sensation failing to qualify for the finals on the first day. Losing the championship lead as a result. Kevin Eriksson ultimately took over the championship lead. A lead that he maintained after round 3 of the season. Kevin Eriksson now leads the championship by 31 points over reigning champion Robin Larsson. 2022-23 runner-up Andreas Bakkerud sits third, 3 points behind Larsson. Fraser McConnell and round 2 winner Travis Pastrana sit tied for fourth, 24 points behind Bakkerud. 

Nitrocross Round Two Recap

Round Two of the 2023-24 Nitrocross season was one of the most successful Rallycross events for VSC ever. With both Conner Martell and Travis Pastrana starting the finals on row one. Martell sat in pole position. Martell was also the top qualifier for the round. Unfortunately, Martell’s luck ran out rather quickly as he suffered a technical issue. Which caused him to stop early into the race. He ultimately restarted but was too far behind the rest of the pack to make an impact. Travis Pastrana took his first win of the season as a result. 
Nitrocross Round Two Full Recap

Nitrocross Round Three 

Round Three saw VSC fall back to earth so to speak. With only Conner Martell qualifying for the finals. After a retirement in the LCQ left him without a spot in the finals. Kevin Eriksson won the top qualifier belt for round three. The finals were a bit more chaotic than Round Two’s however. Kevin Eriksson and Andreas Bakkerud started on row one, with Eriksson in pole position. Bakkerud took an early lead and controlled the race. All on the way to crossing the line first. There was one tiny issue, however, Bakkerud forgot to take the joker. This resulted in Bakkerud receiving a 30-second penalty, dropping him to fifth as a result. Handing Robin Larsson his first win of the season.

Nitrocross Day Three Full Recap

A Costly Error

Andreas Bakkerud’s missed joker cost him more than just the event win. It also cost him precious championship points. The lost championship points would’ve been enough to put him above Robin Larsson and second in the championship standings heading into round 3. Hopefully, this one small mistake from a driver who usually doesn’t make mistakes doesn’t prove more costly later in the season. 

No Luck

Oliver Eriksson qualified for both the round two and three finals. Eriksson would however retire from both finals. With the exact causes unknown it was a shame to see Eriksson retire when he showed he could compete with all the others. As a result of his retirements in the finals, Eriksson now sits 7th in the championship, 33 points behind Conner Martell.

No Kris Meeke

One of the biggest storylines heading into round two of the 2023-24 Nitrocross season was the feud between Andreas Bakkerud and Kris Meeke. The feud is a result of contact that took place in the round one final back in Oklahoma. The feud saw Meeke go to social media and called Bakkerud a plethora of names. Bakkerud tried to bury the hatchet, but when that didn’t work the former WRX star fired back. Meeke was advertised to be at the event this weekend to continue his feud with Bakkerud. Unfortunately or fortunately if you’re Andreas Bakkerud, Kris Meeke wasn’t able to make the event. The cause for Meeke’s absence is unknown. 

A Star Returns 

With Kris Meeke absent from the event XITE Energy had to find a replacement for the ex-WRC star. The driver chosen to replace Meeke was no stranger to Nitrocross tracks, nor the Utah track used this past weekend. The driver in question is Motorsport legend and 2-time Formula Drift champion Tanner Foust. You may have heard of him, if you haven’t, Tanner Foust is a guy who’s done it all. From Formula Drift to X Games to Rallycross and everything in between. Foust had previously won both a Global Rallycross Championship and a Americas Rallycross Championship. Foust missed the entire 2022-23 Nitrocross season. 

A Bit Of Confusion

Travis Pastrana was only meant to drive Round 2 of the championship. With YouTuber Cleetus McFarland taking over Pastrana’s FC1-X for round three on Saturday. That changed over the weekend, however. As Nitrocross changed their mind on allowing McFarland to drive on Saturday. Citing his lack of experience as the reason. 

Looking Ahead To Round 4&5 

Rounds 4 and 5 of the 2023-24 Nitrocross season take place in Phoenix Arizona at the Wild Horses Pass track. The event doesn’t take place until the 10-11 of November. You can follow along with rounds 4 and 5 right here on Speed Trap Magazine and watch it all live and free on Rumble. 

Nitrocross Round Three has come to an end. Robin Larsson took home the event win on the final day of Nitrocross Utah. 


Group One

Andreas Bakkerud, Conner Martell and Benito Guerra battled in the first qualifier group. Andreas Bakkerud took the win to advance to the next round. Setting a time 0.18 seconds faster than Round Two top qualifier Conner Martell. 

Group Two

Oliver Eriksson, Fraser McConnell, Tanner Foust and Round 2 winner Travis Pastrana faced off in the second qualifier group. Oliver Eriksson set a time 0.477 seconds faster than Fraser McConnell to take the win and advance to the next round. Tanner Foust finished third, 1.093 seconds slower than McConnell. 

Group Three

Kevin Eriksson, Robin Larsson, Oliver Bennett and Conor Daly battled in the third and final qualifier group. Kevin Eriksson took home the win to advance to the next round. Posting a time 2.52 seconds faster than Robin Larsson to advance to the next round. Oliver Bennett finished third, 0.797 seconds slower than Larsson. 

Qualifier Finals 

Andreas Bakkerud, Oliver Eriksson and Kevin Eriksson battled for the top qualifier belt. Championship leader Kevin Eriksson set a time 0.971 seconds faster than Andreas Bakkerud to win the top qualifier belt. Oliver Eriksson finished third, 0.624 seconds slower than Bakkerud.


Group One

Benito Guerra, Oliver Bennett, Travis Pastrana and Fraser McConnell battled in the first heat group. Benito Guerra took home the heat win for his first of the season. Setting a time 18.363 seconds faster than Oliver Bennett to take the win. Travis Pastrana failed to finish the race. While Fraser McConnell was excluded due to a Stewards Decision.

Group Two

Conner Martell, Robin Larsson, Tanner Foust, and Conor Daly faced off in the second heat group. Conner Martell took the heat win, finishing 0.32 seconds faster than Robin Larsson. Tanner Foust set the third fastest time, 0.97 seconds slower than Larsson. 


Group One

Tanner Foust, Oliver Eriksson, and Oliver Bennett faced off in the first Semifinal group. Tanner Foust took home his first Nitrocross race win in nearly two years. Foust set a time 4.26 seconds faster than Oliver Eriksson. Oliver Bennett had finished second but lost a position due to a stewards decision.

Group Two

Andreas Bakkerud, Robin Larsson, Fraser McConnell, and Benito Guerra battled in the second semifinal group. Andreas Bakkerud won the heat group. Setting a time 0.69 seconds faster than Robin Larsson to advance to the finals. Fraser McConnell finished third, 0.677 seconds slower than Larsson. 

Group Three

Kevin Eriksson, Conner Martell, Conor Daly and Travis Pastrana faced off in the third and final semifinal group. Kevin Eriksson took home the win. Posting a time 0.38 seconds faster than Conner Martell to take the win. Conor Daly finished third, 3.78 seconds slower than Martell.

Last Chance Qualifier 

Group One

Robin Larsson, Oliver Bennett, Benito Guerra and Conor Daly battled in the first LCQ group. Robin Larsson took the win to punch his ticket to the finals. Setting a time 1.146 seconds faster than Oliver Bennett who also advances to the finals. Benito Guerra finished third, 1.314 seconds slower than Bennett. 

Group Two

Fraser McConnell, Oliver Eriksson, Conner Martell and Travis Pastrana faced off in the second LCQ group. Fraser McConnell took home the win to advance to the finals after missing the round two finals. With McConnell posting a time 1.607 seconds faster than Oliver Eriksson who also moves on to the finals. Conner Martell finished third, 20.353 seconds slower than Eriksson to also advance to the finals. 


Robin Larsson, Andreas Bakkerud, Kevin Eriksson, Tanner Foust, Fraser McConnell, Oliver Eriksson, Oliver Bennett and Conner Martell battled for the Nitrocross Round Three Win. Reigning champion Robin Larsson took home the win for his first of the season. With Larsson setting a time 0.337 seconds faster than Kevin Eriksson. Tanner Foust finished third, 1.584 seconds slower than Eriksson for his first-ever Nitrocross podium. 

McConnell Rebounds

Fraser McConnell had a disappointing first day in Utah, failing to qualify for the finals. Day two went better for the Jamaican, with McConnell qualifying for the final and finishing 4th in the final. Unfortunately for McConnell, he still lost the championship lead and now sits a decent amount behind Kevin Eriksson who leads the championship. 

No Luck For Pastrana

Travis Pastrana won on the first day of Nitrocross Utah, and he came into day two wanting to go two for two. That didn’t happen however as contact between him and McConnell during a heat pushed him down the start grid for the semi-finals. Then more contact in the LCQ ended his event. Pastrana still made the most of the day, however. 

A Costly Error

Andreas Bakkerud had won the Finals on day two of Nitrocross Utah. There was just one rather large issue with the way he finished. Bakkerud didn’t take the Joker lap. This meant his “win” was rewarded with a 30-second penalty. Moving him down to 5th in the final as a result. Bakkerud was understandably upset after the race. With the Norwegian nearly walking completely out of the event. 

A Bittersweet Win 

Due to Bakkerud’s penalty, Robin Larsson won Nitrocross Round Three. However, it’s a bittersweet win for the reigning champion. As nobody enjoys winning when it’s due to another driver’s mistake. Bakkerud was the one who skipped the Joker and was penalized accordingly, but it’s never nice to win that way. Nevertheless, a win is a win and that win moves Larsson into second in the championship. 

Championship Standings 

Kevin Eriksson maintains the championship lead after Nitrocross Round Three, now leading by 31 points over Robin Larsson. Andreas Bakkerud sits in third, 3 points behind Larsson. Fraser McConnell and Travis Pastrana sit tied for fourth, with both sitting 24 points behind Bakkerud. 

The first day of Nitrocross Utah has come to an end, marking the end of the second round of the championship, Travis Pastrana took home the win. 


Group One

Conner Martell, Robin Larsson and Benito Guerra faced off in the first qualifying group. Martell came out on top, finishing 7.69 seconds faster than Robin Larsson to advance to the next round for a chance to be the top qualifier. Benito Guerra finished third, 1.276 seconds slower than Larsson. 

Group Two

Andreas Bakkerud, Kevin Eriksson, Tanner Foust and Conor Daly faced off in the second qualifying group. 2022-23 runner-up Andreas Bakkerud took home the win, advancing to the next round. Bakkerud finished with a time 2.444 seconds faster than Kevin Eriksson to take home the win. Tanner Foust finished third, 6.04 seconds slower than Eriksson. 

Group Three

Oliver Eriksson, Travis Pastrana, Oliver Bennett and Fraser McConnell battled in the third and final qualifying group. Oliver Eriksson came out on top, finishing 0.667 seconds faster than Travis Pastrana to advance to the next round. Oliver Bennett finished third, 5.483 seconds slower than Pastrana. 

Qualifier Finals 

Conner Martell, Andreas Bakkerud and Oliver Eriksson battled it out in the qualifier finals for a chance to win the top qualifier belt. Conner Martell took home the win and the belt, beating Andreas Bakkerud by the time of a lap. Bakkerud and Eriksson both didn’t finish the race, automatically giving Martell the belt. Also meaning they didn’t post a time as a result. All three drivers advanced directly to the Semi-finals, skipping the heats. 


Group One

Kevin Eriksson, Benito Guerra, Conor Daly, and Oliver Bennett battled in the first heat group. Kevin Eriksson took home the win, setting a time 4.527 seconds faster than Benito Guerra. Conor Daly finished third, 2.737 seconds slower than Guerra. 

Group Two

Robin Larsson, Travis Pastrana, Tanner Foust, and Fraser McConnell faced off in the second heat group. Robin Larsson took home the win, finishing 0.894 seconds faster than Travis Pastrana. The returning Tanner Foust set the third fastest time on the heat, 1.256 seconds slower than Pastrana. Fraser McConnell had originally won the heat but was excluded due to a steward’s decision. 


Group One

Travis Pastrana, Benito Guerra and Oliver Eriksson faced off in the first semi-final group. Travis Pastrana took home the win to advance to the final. Pastrana finished with a time 4.507 seconds faster than Benito Guerra to take the win. Oliver Eriksson finished third, 5.643 seconds slower than Guerra. 

Group Two

Robin Larsson, Kevin Eriksson, Andreas Bakkerud, and Oliver Bennett battled in the second heat group. 2022-23 Champion Robin Larsson won the heat, posting a time 3.123 seconds faster than Kevin Eriksson. Andreas Bakkerud finished third fastest on the heat, 2.437 seconds slower than Eriksson. 

Group Three

Conner Martell, Fraser McConnell, Tanner Foust, and Conor Daly faced off in the third and final heat group. Nitrocross Utah Top Qualifier Conner Martell finished 2.390 seconds faster than Fraser McConnell to take the win and advance to the final. Tanner Foust finished third, 1.387 seconds slower than McConnell. 

Last Chance Qualifier

Group One

Oliver Eriksson, Kevin Eriksson, Tanner Foust and Oliver Bennet faced off in the first LCQ group. Oliver Eriksson took home the win to advance to the finals. Finishing with a time 0.603 seconds faster than Kevin Eriksson. Kevin Eriksson also advanced to the finals. Tanner Foust finished third in the LCQ, 0.717 seconds slower than Kevin Eriksson. 

Group Two

Andreas Bakkerud, Conor Daly, Benito Guerra and Fraser McConnell battled in the second LCQ group. Andreas Bakkerud won the LCQ, posting a time 6.593 seconds faster than Conor Daly to advance to the finals. Benito Guerra finished third in the LCQ, 8.957 seconds slower than Daly. Daly and Guerra also advanced to the finals with Bakkerud. 


Travis Pastrana, Kevin Eriksson, Andreas Bakkerud, Benito Guerra, Conor Daly, Robin Larsson, Conner Martell, and Oliver Eriksson faced off for the Nitrocross Utah win. Travis Pastrana came out on top, setting a time 0.295 seconds faster than Kevin Eriksson to take the event win. Andreas Bakkerud finished third, 0.886 seconds slower than Eriksson. 

Pastrana Wins

Travis Pastrana wins round two of Nitrocross. Every win is special, but this one is extra special. As Utah is the home of Nitrocross and Nitro Circus, two things Pastrana helped create. This was a bit unexpected for everyone, as Pastrana has repeatedly said he isn’t great on tarmac. The surface about half of the Utah Motorsport Campus track is made out of.

Guaranteed New Winner Tomorrow 

Unfortunately, Travis Pastrana won’t win both rounds this weekend. As he won’t be driving in the Group E class tomorrow. Pastrana and Cleetus McFarland will swap cars. McFarland will step up to Group E, while Pastrana steps down to SxS. Technically Pastrana can still take both round wins at Nitrocross Utah this weekend. They will just be in different classes with different cars, however. 

Unfortunate Ending For Martell

Conner Martell started the Nitrocross Utah finals in pole position. He was also the top qualifier for the event. Unfortunately for him, his run in the finals would be short-lived. As within the first quarter of the starting lap, Martell experienced a technical issue. Forcing him to pull over temporarily. Unfortunately, he pulled over just long enough to be over a minute behind Pastrana by the second lap. 

Other Issues

Conner Martell wasn’t the only driver to experience issues in the finals. As Oliver Eriksson also experienced an issue, also on the first lap. Eriksson had gained damage from somewhere, partially blocking his vision. As a result, Eriksson didn’t jump the 130 ft gap jump and ultimately pulled over before the jump. Ending his race instantly. 2022-23 champion Robin Larsson was also believed to have suffered an issue during the finals. With Larsson finishing nearly a minute behind Pastrana. 

Unfortunate Ending For McConnell

Fraser McConnell came into Nitrocross Utah as the championship leader. Unfortunately for McConnell, he will no longer lead the championship after round two. As McConnell failed to qualify for the finals. He will get a chance in round three tomorrow to regain the championship lead. McConnell was doing well, winning a heat temporarily. Until a stewards decision took away said win due to McConnell failing technical inspection. 

Championship Standings 

With McConnell failing to qualify for the finals it pretty much guaranteed a new championship leading after Round 2. Kevin Eriksson took the lead after the round, now leading Travis Pastrana by 5 points. Andreas Bakkerud moves up to third, now sitting 7 points behind Pastrana. Reigning champion Robin Larsson sits fourth in the championship, 7 points behind Bakkerud. Fraser McConnell dropped to fifth overall, now 8 points behind Larsson and 27 points behind Eriksson. 

Motorsport icon Tanner Foust is returning to Nitrocross this weekend. Find out everything you need to know below!

He’s Back!

Tanner Foust will make his return to Nitrocross this weekend at Nitrocross Utah. Foust who was a regular for the 2021 season and the one-off events in 2018 and 2019 missed the entire 2022-23 season. Foust finished sixth in the 2021 championship, 41 points behind Steve Arpin taking no wins or podiums. The season was a bit of an odd one for the former Americas Rallycross and Global Rallycross champion. As he has only ever finished a season without a podium twice before the 2021 season. However, in those other two seasons, Foust only competed at a few events, not the whole season. It was also Foust’s first time driving an Audi RX car. As he had previously only driven Volkswagen’s or Ford’s. 

What Has Foust Been Up To?

Tanner Foust hasn’t been completely away from motorsport since the end of the 2021 Nitrocross season (Nitro Rallycross at the time). Since then Foust has competed in Extreme E during 2022 and 2023. Foust is one half of the NEOM McLaren team, with Emma Gilmour making the other half of the team. In Extreme E Foust has finished on the podium twice so far, once in 2022 and once this season. 

Who Will Foust Drive With?

Tanner Foust will join Oliver Bennett and Kris Meeke on the XITE Energy Racing team this weekend. Foust will likely give XITE a much-needed third car. As Bennett and Meeke have been extremely unlucky in the FC1-X’s so far. Hopefully, the added third car will help them get at least two cars in one of the finals this weekend. The likely that was put above is due to Kris Meeke being notably absent from the free practice time sheet. Although XITE did say he was going to the event last month. 

The 2023-24 Nitrocross Season continues this weekend in Salt Lake City Utah. Find out everything you need to know below.

Championship Standings

Photo Credit Louis Yio

Fraser McConnell took an all-important early championship lead winning round one in Oklahoma. Kevin Eriksson sits second in the championship, 11 points behind McConnell. Reigning champion Robin Larsson sits third in the championship, just a mere point behind Eriksson. Championship creator and 2021 champion Travis Pastrana sits in fourth place, 8 points behind Larsson. 2022-23 runner-up Andreas Bakkerud rounds out the top five in the championship, sitting 9 points behind Pastrana. The current championship standings leave a lot to the imagination. If things this season play out the same as last season, however, McConnell will take home the championship. As Robin Larsson won round one last season and would later go on to win the championship. With the win in the first round proving critical. Nevertheless, this is Nitrocross and anything can happen.

Returning Home

Photo Credit Nitro Rallycross

Nitrocross will return home for the first time in over a year. Nitrocross, formerly Nitro Rallycross, debuted at the Utah Motorsports Campus track back in 2018 as a one-off event. The event saw Timmy Hansen take home the win. The track was also used for the 2019 one-off event that saw Kevin Hansen win. It was also used during the 2021 Nitro Rallycross season. It was absent from the calendar during the 2022-23 season due to scheduling issues. The track was a favorite amongst fans. With the track including a 130 ft gap jump that goes over a tabletop jump that goes over a tunnel for the joker lap. Although all three won’t be in use at the same time. As Group E will use the tabletop under the gap jump for the joker lap. While other classes will use the tabletop jump as the standard lap and the tunnel for the joker.

Same Track New Look

Photo Credit Nitrocross

The Nitrocross Utah track will look slightly different from the track used in previous years. As Nitrocross has decided to put tarmac on most of the track. The decision was made to help manage dust levels during the event without the need for a water truck. It also will help the surface stay pretty consistent throughout the event, five or take a bit of excess gravel getting onto it. Don’t worry if you’re a gravel lover, however. There is still going to be a gravel section on the track because it wouldn’t be Rallycross without a bit of dust and gravel. 

Daly Returns 

IndyCar driver Conor Daly will once again drive a FC1-X this weekend. Many thought Daly’s appearance at round one in Oklahoma was a one-off. It looks like things have changed, however. Daly will once again join the DRR JC team this weekend. Daly finished last in the round one final. Meaning he sits 8th in the championship, 9 points behind Kris Meeke.

New Format 

With Nitrocross going to a separate round on each day of the event there will be a new format this weekend, sort of. The only difference between this format and the one from last season is there will be no battle brackets. Battle Brackets were a favorite amongst fans. With the head-to-head battles providing a different type of action from the drivers. It also gave fans a chance to see more of their favorite drivers throughout the weekend. Unfortunately, they aren’t staying with the new format. Nitrocross is bringing back racing under the lights, however. Something that originally debuted in Arizona last season. The venture proved to be successful nearly immediately. With a later start time allowing fans from not only North America to tune in, but fans from all over the world. 

What Else Will Be Taking Place?

Nitrocross and Nitro Circus have brought out all the stops this weekend. With the weekend including a Nitro Circus show, music, and other entertainment away from the track. On the track, fans will get to see drivers compete in the 1,000+ horsepower FC1-X. Along with Nitrocross NEXT, SXS, Van Prix and Baja Buggies. With the voice of Rallycross Andrew Cooley taking the wheel of one of the vans in the van prix. If you’re in Utah this weekend and have nothing else to do, Nitrocross Utah is the place to be. 

Lia Block In NEXT 

Photo Credit Louis Yio

Lia Block will once again race in the Nitrocross NEXT class. She currently sits fourth in the championship, 8 points behind Jimmy Henderson. Seeing as this is Lia’s home event she is one of the favorites to take the Nitrocross NEXT win this weekend. Although she won’t have an easy time doing it. 

Another ARA Star Added To The Mix

Photo Credit Mike Boyd

Lia Block won’t be the only ARA star in the Nitrocross NEXT class this weekend. As Patrick Gruszka who sits second in the ARA championship will also be at the event. Gruszka, who is skipping the Ojibwe Forests Rally which takes place next weekend, has decided to dip his foot into Rallycross. Expect Gruszka to be in the battle for a round win by the end of the weekend. As he is an extremely talented driver who once he learns the car will likely do well if everything goes right for him. 

Pastrana Will Not Race

2021 Champion and series founder Travis Pastrana will not drive in Utah this weekend. As Pastrana is giving up his seat to Cleetus McFarland. Pastrana did drive the open practice before the event, and his Instagram post only says he’s giving up his seat Saturday for round 3. Pastrana will drive on Friday for round 2.

New Liveries

There will be a handful of drivers using new liveries on their FC1-X this weekend. Travis Pastrana/Cleetus McFarland will use a new livery. Their VSC teammate Conner Martell will also use a new livery. The Osbergs MSE crews of Oliver and Kevin Eriksson will also use a new livery this weekend. The new OMSE livery is a lot more noticeable than the previous one, as it is bright yellow.